45 research outputs found

    The Economics of Geographical Indications: GIs Modelled As Club Assets

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    Geographical Indications (GIs) for products (Basmati rice, Champagne sparkling wine, Antigua coffee, etc.) were regulated at the international level in 1995 (WTO TRIPS Agreement, Part II, Section 3). This paper sets a general framework of analysis for GI-labeled goods, based on the modeling of a GI as a club asset (partial excludability and no rivalry in benefits to the firms that lawfully label their products with the GI). A model of club reputation is developed which includes Shapiro (1982) and Winfree & McCluskey (2005) as special cases. Reputation is assumed to be traceable through the GI label; quality is endogenously determined at the firm level, with reputation as the state variable. In contrast with previous research, it is shown that the TRIPS legal construct around GIs is potentially compatible with an equilibrium involving a self-fulfilling level of quality (and reputation) that is above the minimum, under the condition that the GI club has a reduced membership of firms. However, the establishment of a minimum level of quality is still the first best policy to improve firm profits. It is also shown that under bottom-up firm-driven processes of club formation (maximization of firm profits), firm levels of quality and profits are higher, and levels of club membership are lower, than under top-down State-driven processes (maximization of club profits). When quality is taken as exogenous, the model evolves into a static partial equilibrium framework, where the GI is subject to potential dilution phenomena due to membership crowding and oversupply. GI-related expenses, output, membership, and club finance are all determined simultaneously. It is shown that under partial rivalry in benefits, both output and membership are reduced, in an equilibrium that approaches the cartel equilibrium. State subsidization is shown to lead to potential inefficiencies stemming from price and incentive distortions. The geographical confinement of output is shown to impact factor prices and quantities. Finally, issues concerning potential monopsonistic concerns and the replication of GIs are briefly sketched.

    Geographical Indications: The Economics of Claw-Back

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    Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Working Paper No: 11/2010International Relations/Trade,

    Geographical Indications: The Economics of Claw-Back

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    Geographical Indications (GIs) for products (Basmati rice, Champagne sparkling wine, Antigua coffee, etc.) were regulated at the international level in 1995 (WTO TRIPS Agreement, Part II, Section 3). This paper proposes a model on the welfare effects of the socalled “claw-back” of GIs; i.e. the protection in a country (Home) of a GI of another country (Foreign), when the said GI had previously acquired generic status at Home (cf.: protection of Feta in the EU or of Champagne in Chile). The setting includes two countries (Home and Foreign); three varieties (Foreign GI-original goods, Home GI-variety goods and generics) and a continuum of heterogeneous consumers. Two regimes are analyzed: protection / no protection; in two scenarios for Foreign firms: perfect / oligopolistic competition. Only the equilibrium at Home is analyzed. Although a loss in global welfare is always expected when fewer varieties are available in a market, results suggest that industrialized Home countries, with sophisticated consumers and higher relative costs tend to lose less from protecting Foreign GIs than developing Home countries, where the opposite is true. With oligopolistic competition, GI firms become from differentiated from their closest competitor after protection (now generics), further stressing the competitive distortion; consumers with a low willingness to pay for origin and a high degree of valuation for the GI-variety are the biggest losers. Regarding firms, however, contrary to the conventional wisdom, oligopolistic competition by Foreign firms leads to less stringent conditions for Home GI-varieties to compete, and does not affect generics. In effect, if after protection Home GI-varieties can successfully differentiate themselves from Foreign GI-original goods without the (unlawful) use of the GI label (either through the development of their own GI or through proper branding) and stay competitive, the scenario of oligopolistic competition from Foreign firms is more favorable to their development than the scenario of perfect competition.

    Constraining and supporting effects of the multilateral trading system on U.S. unilateralism

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    The subject of this paper is Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 of the United States, a statute that for the past 35 years has allowed the U.S. to unilaterally handle its trade disputes. More specifically, the paper examines the constraining and supporting effects of the multilateral trading system (GATT and WTO) on the effectiveness of Section 301 in general (127 cases), and of retaliatory threats and sanctions in particular (44 cases). In contrast with previous empirical papers, the emphasis is on the gradual interaction between both instances, with special attention to the escalation of the multilateral dispute and the timing of retaliatory threats and sanctions (if any). The paper shows that contrary to conventional wisdom, Section 301 has been less about ‘aggressive unilateralism’ (Bhagwati and Patrick 1991) than about reinforcing the multilateral trading system and the U.S. agenda in it. Section 301 proceedings and retaliation were often used in contravention of international trade law; but they were also used as tools to enforce multilateral rulings or to advance the multilateral agenda upon non-Members or on new issues. To address the effectiveness question, a qualitative response model is used. Results confirm the hypothesis prevalent in the extant literature that a process of escalation at the GATT/WTO is correlated with a higher success rate of Section 301 investigations in changing the target country’s policy. However, the impact is not linear; a settlement is more likely early in the bargaining stages rather than after a ruling is issued by a GATT/WTO panel. The empirical estimation is based on a comprehensive dataset on all Section 301 cases and on the related GATT/WTO dispute(s); and on 45 case studies outlined in the Appendix which, supplemented by the case studies of Bayard & Elliott (1994), are the basis for the coding of the dependent variable.

    El Fenómeno de la Inmigración y las Autodefensas Ideológicas en la “Compleja” Sociedad Chilena

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    En este ensayo, se llevará a cabo una comparación y aplicación del concepto de Complejidad, planteado según Edgard Morin contrastándolo con la visión de Niklas Luhmann a través de sus publicaciones acerca de este tema, encontrando puntos que concuerden con Morin y la Teoría General de Sistemas, también exponen un punto diferente, para complementar el análisis de la sociedad a través de la Complejidad. Todo esto será aplicado esta vez al fenómeno relativamente reciente de la inmigración en Chile. Cada ítem tendrá una relación con lo mencionado, para posteriormente, elaborar una conclusión global.Este documento presenta cinco tópicos: Complejidad, Teoría General de Sistemas, la ideología y el sistema complejo, el fenómeno de la migración, la percepción de la sociedad chilena y autodefensas ideológicas, donde se hace un breve análisis comparativo en una discusión dentro del mismo contenido y su relacionarlo con la sociedad actual

    Centro de interpretación de los humedales de Ventanilla

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    En la costa peruana, específicamente en el departamento de Lima, encontramos un grupo de humedales que forman el “Corredor Biológico de la Costa Central del Perú”, donde el Área de Conservación Regional (ACR) Humedales de Ventanilla resalta por su gran importancia debido a su posición estratégica y al mismo tiempo por el proceso de degradación que afronta. La presente investigación reúne toda la información sobre este ecosistema natural que servirá como base para el desarrollo de la propuesta de un Centro de Interpretación de los Humedales de Ventanilla con la intención de revertir su estado y empezar a conservarlo

    Gestión de inventarios basada en modelo Wilson para mejorar la productividad en el área del almacén de Tambos Perú SAC, Arequipa 2021

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo general de determinar cómo la aplicación de una gestión de inventarios basada en el modelo Wilson logra mejorar la productividad en TAMBOS PERÚ SAC., Arequipa 2021, para dicho fin se empleó una metodología de tipo aplicado, de nivel explicativo y enfoque cuantitativo, empleando un diseño experimental longitudinal de tipo pre-experimental, con un método hipotético deductivo, considerando como población a 300 artículos de demanda continua, con una muestra de 169 artículos, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, aplicando las técnicas de observación directa y análisis documental, con el manejo de una guía de observación y ficha de registro de datos como instrumentos para la recopilación de información. Concluyendo que, se determinó que la gestión de inventarios basada en el modelo Wilson mejora la productividad en TAMBOS PERÚ SAC, mediante una significancia de 0.012 inferior al p valor de 0.05, debido a que, en el pre-test se detectó una productividad de 5.31%, a causa de falencias en el conocimiento real de la exactitud de inventario, lo cual posterior a la implementación incrementó a 38.19%, puesto que, de 169 artículos seleccionados llegó a determinarse mantener solo 127 acorde al modelo de inventario empleado

    La representación política de las mujeres en Chile: desde el derecho a sufragio a la paridad de género por

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    This paper analyzes the main arguments sustained in the discussion of Chilean laws that have recognized the political participation of women and shows the historical barriers they have experienced to achieve greater representation in the instances of power as a consequence of the socially assigned roles. The analysis includes the draft laws on municipalities of 1933, the right to vote in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 1949, the Quota Law of 2015, and that of gender parity in the presentation of candidacies and integration of the Constitutional Convention of 2020.Este trabajo analiza los principales argumentos sostenidos en la discusión de las leyes chilenas que han reconocido la participación política de las mujeres y evidencia las barreras históricas que han experimentado para lograr una mayor representación en las instancias de poder como consecuencia de los roles asignados socialmente. El análisis comprende los proyectos de ley sobre municipalidades de 1933, el derecho a voto en las elecciones parlamentarias y presidenciales de 1949, la Ley de cuotas de 2015, y el de paridad de género en la presentación de candidaturas e integración de la Convención Constitucional de 2020

    Plan de negocios para la implementación de una empresa exportadora de orégano seco a Sao Paulo-Brasil, Arequipa 2017

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    Perú es líder en exportaciones de orégano seco a nivel Sudamericano, esto debido a varios factores como los suelos, clima, desarrollo de economías de gran escala, apoyo de PROMPERU para promover la cultura de la exportación lo que genera beneficios arancelarios en diferentes productos, en este caso el orégano tiene 0% en pago de aranceles, entre otros que hacen que en Perú exportar orégano sea un negocio rentable. Tacna es la región que encabeza la exportación de orégano seco con el 54,2% del total de la producción nacional, seguida por la región Arequipa con 32 %,, esta segunda tiene con bastante potencial para incrementar las ventas del orégano. El orégano que se pretende exportar en el presente estudio es a granel, en su más simple presentación y la exportación es de tipo directa, a través de un intermediario, esto debido a que la empresa no tiene experiencia alguna debido a que es nueva. Brasil es el país líder a nivel Sudamérica en lo que respecta a importaciones de orégano, esto puede ser debido a que tiene una gran población y a la industria cárnica que hay en dicho país, por lo cual sería un posible mercado objetivo. Actualmente existen varias empresas que exportar orégano seco y que tiene una gran participación de mercado, pero para saber si el presente plan de negocios es viable o no se deberá analizar si existe demanda insatisfecha. Si es así, la empresa debe tener un plan de marketing establecido que le permita captar y fidelizar clientes.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    The temporal and spatial relationship between strike-slip and reverse faulting in subduction-related orogenic system: Insights from the Western slope of the Puna Plateau

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    The relationship between parallel and oblique to the orogen faults and the magmatic evolution is key to understanding the evolution of a hot orogen, such as the Central Andes. The Andean orogenesis along the southern Central Andes, during the Neogene is characterized by regional compression and magmatic processes associated with subduction. The outcome of this dynamic interaction between plate tectonics and magmatism has generated reverse, normal and strike-slip faults, both parallel and oblique to the trench. Despite the progress made on studying these fault systems, both their relationship with the stress field and their role in magma propagation into the shallow crust are still enigmatic. In this work, geomorphological observations are coupled with kinematic and dynamic analyses, as well as with kinematic forward modeling, to reconstruct the evolution of two main faults affecting the western slope of the Puna plateau, the Barrancas Blancas fault and the Tocomar fault, during the Neogene. The obtained data reveal that, between 17 and 10 Ma, the Barrancas Blancas fault had reverse activity, while the Tocomar fault had left-lateral strike-slip movement. At 10 Ma, the area was affected by the coeval reactivation of the Volcan de Punta Negra fault and the right-lateral activity of the Tocomar fault. During the last stage, strike-slip movement along the Tocomar fault favored the rise of magma, while the hydrothermal activity evolved along the Barrancas Blancas fault. The study results reveal that the oblique-to-the-orogen faults play a role in the segmentation of the reverse parallel-to-the-trench deformation and control the position of the volcanic centers, while the parallel-to-the-orogen faults control the relief development and the evolution of hydrothermal systems. The proposed model helps in understanding how magma rises to the surface associated with movement along reverse and strike-slip faults during the thickening of the crust